Pendrive is not the new gadget for us. People which are working on computer mostly use this device for transferring their data from one computer to another and to storing their data. But with that people also used to rent pendrive of other people and also used to lend their prendrive to other people. Do you really think it is normal thing? I mean do you think it is safe?
Personally I don’t think it is safe at all. I am not saying that we should not give pendrive to anyone. But we should be careful on this renting or lending pendrives. Pendrive is the most common source of Viruses and infected files. So when we use it on unknown computer it is highly possible that it can get affected with those viruses and infected files. Now if we lend it to others and use it back without removing those infected files we can easily get that virus and other harmful things on our system. Now you will say that we can use antivirus to scan those viruses. True, but I don’t think all Anti-viruses are 100% safe. So it is possible that we can get those viruses even we are using good antivirus. Same thing can happen if we use someone other’s pendrive in to our computer. Both can give the same results.
So it is quite risky to use Pendrive like this. Personally I am giving pendrive to some of my friends (very limited). But what I do is before using that pendrive again, I used to format that pendrive completely. Yes we can lose our important files like that. But better we use different pendrive for our important files and never lend it to anyone. So formatting pendrive completely before using it, will erase all those infected files too. So it will be safe to use again in our computer.
If you think pendrive is from safe source, then you can use it after basic scanning from antivirus. But yes better keep in mind that from which source you got it. I mean you can easily recognize that source is safe or not.
So Pendrive is like our personal thing. And better we use it like that. No need to give it to all people who ask for it from us. Use it wisely
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